Monday, August 23, 2010

garden of late-summer delights

First the bad news:
That chipmunk has struck again! He found the newly potted pots and did a little potting of his own (or had a dance party?). This young Cilantro will soon be infested with bird-seed-weed in at least three locations. The Slyvetta and Basil face the same future.

But it's not all bad news...
Here is what happened with the only tomato plant I managed to grow from seed and then left in a dreadfully small pot all summer (plant abuser, I know). It has given us four tomatoes! Not bad for a l'il fella with the odds stacked against it!

Now on to the truly fantastic stuff:
The Sun-Flowers-That-Lived-in-the-Shadows-All-Summer have managed to bloom! Hooray for them! Troopers indeed!

(Side note: I wonder if BP got their logo from the center of a sun flower?)

(Second side note: After a long absence through the hot days of summer, THE HUMMINGBIRDS ARE BACK!!! They make me so bizarrely excited!)

The Green-Onion-Contraption seems to be doing the trick and the Spinach and Lettuce are well on their way!

And lastly, one of the culinary delights we made with stuff from "the farm", Stuffed Peppers! I know it mostly looks like melted cheese (that's why I always carry a good 10 extra pounds around people!) but underneath there are peppers (we grew) stuffed with rice (that we didn't grow - the balcony can hold a lot but probably not a rice paddy...) and tomatoes and chilies and herbs (all grown here).


The garden/farm is winding down. It's kind of sad...
I think in the fall I'll have to put up some twinkly lights, set out the reclining chairs with piles of blankets, maybe find a fake plug-in fire, and make a cozy little retreat out there.

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