Wednesday, August 11, 2010

from head to toes

The sunflowers have finally formed flower-heads... and that is me in behind there... they are so tall I had to click blindly from below:

It's been awhile since I actually got soil on my hands out there. Felt good:

What was I up to? Planting some Sylvetta, Basil, Spinach, and Cilantro. The Sylvetta seeds came in the mail from a person I only met once and were a total surprise. Best mail day in years!

The Rainbow Swiss Chard was a retarded crop. I don't mean that in the un-politically-correct way. I mean, the soil was too shallow and it never grew very big. I dug a little plant up and was surprised by the long tap root.

It was still pleasant to have around because the colours were beautiful but today was time to harvest and make room for something else:

I'm not positive this will work but I decided to plant some of my green "Multiplier Onions" where the Swiss Chard had been. They grew so vigorously last time that I don't believe they will fail. However, to preempt the shallow soil problem, I planted the onions in containers (with the bottoms cut off) in order to get a couple more inches of soil below them. We'll see what happens. I also threw a bunch of spinach and lettuce on the soil around the containers:

The Chilies are plentiful and pretty. We've already eaten a few. They are HOT!

I loved starting a Pineapple a few years ago and had a really great plant for awhile... until my cat knocked it over from a high height and broke most of the leaves off. It rebounded well but then it froze when we moved across Canada in the middle of winter. Hard times for a Pineapple but it's still around, not thriving. I decided to start a new one but I couldn't quite let go of the old one. I re-potted it and will wait to see if it can make a come back.

When I was working on my onions, I knocked over this dish of Semps - again. I've knocked them over so many times. Poor guys. I re-potted with marbles just for something different.

(And there are my toes.)

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