Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Holy Book

Yesterday on FaceBook I posted a link to this blog and a friend said she was going to start reading it religiously (since she doesn't currently have a religion). This made me realize I should probably provide my fellowship of one with a Holy Book.

There is SO much information out there, especially on the internet. It is overwhelming. It makes me a little nervous when all I want is a single, simple answer and I get bombarded with several opinion-bombs.

Yesterday I read a positive review of this book, Grow Great Grub, and since I happen to follow the author's blog already, and I happened to have a Chapters' Gift Card burning a hole in my soul, and the author happens to do rooftop gardening in Toronto (how drastically different can that be from balcony gardening in Guelph? Probably quite different - but not as different as getting a book from Southern California or whatever!) I decided to run out and buy a copy. This will serve as my go-to guide for what I'm doing this season. One stop information shopping!

Now I realize that this Holy Book might not be as helpful to my congregant as to myself since she lives in Nova Scotia - a different climate... but really, in North America, unless you're a Mormon or a Scientologist, all Holy Books stem from drastically different cultures and climates soooooo... that settles that.

By the way, on the left side of that photo-mash-up above you can see a bookmark with a worm on it. That is from the lady I got worms from (Red Wigglers, not parasites!!)... which, as promised yesterday, I WILL do a post about soon! ("Worms are the Angels of the Earth"... woot woot!)


  1. I love how the face on the front cover of the book looks like an extension of your face !!! Was this photo illusion intentional? Either way, it's FUNNY!
    BTW, I'm currently seeking out a book on how to grow herbs indoors (since I don't have a balcony). If any of your followers have suggestions, please pass them on!

  2. that shouldn't be too hard... well i mean, the hardest part is probably figuring out a container-situation that is both cat-proof and aesthetically pleasing... i will let you know if/when i stumble on something

  3. also, thank you for "following" me!

    (and then there were three...)
