Buckets! That's what!
So, I've been showering with buckets and pails lately; exorcising them of the ghosts of their previous uses; making them ready for plant-bearing.
I planted Spearmint in the ketchup can, Basil in the coconut can. The print on the wall (sorry you can't see the whole thing) is one I've had and adored since university. It's by Meredith Carruthers. (Gosh, I should really find out what she's doing now... I'm sure it is awesome. She was already awesome back then...) I think the faucet plays nicely with the seedlings and watering-can no?
Went to a concert the other night featuring two of my favourite performers, Julie Doiron and Fred Squires, in Daniel, Fred, and Julie. They do covers of really old folk songs and their voices are amazing together. My current, spring theme song (a 100-year-old hobo song), "Hallelujah I'm a Bum", is one of the tunes on their album...
"When springtime has come oh won't we have fun.
We'll throw up our jobs and go out on the bum.
Hallelujah I'm a bum,
Hallelujah bum again.
Give a handout and revive us yet again..."
And speaking of spring, it's really doing it's business out there!! This tree, seen from the balcony, was not green AT ALL on Wednesday. I took this picture on Thursday.
Sadly, it's now cold and rainy on Saturday as I write this... but that hasn't stopped the lettuce I sowed from germinating in 1.5 days and the peas are madly putting root down (oh! beastie boys' "root down" would be another good theme song for this blog!!).
P.S. The worms (and all their little mite friends) have been banished to the out-of-doors. I hope they will survive the still-chilly nights but we realized that if we have to baby them too much, they just won't work for our lifestyle. We can't have a houseful of mites and that's that. So far they seem OK out there. Still kickin'.
worms can kick?? I'd give anything to see that!